Papal encyclical sparks reflections in International Review of Mission

Ecumenical cooperation among Christian traditions is “an indispensable path to evangelization,” according to the 2013 apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis titled Evangelii Gaudium, or “the joy of the gospel.” The latest issue of the journal International Review of Mission (IRM 104.2) analyses the encyclical’s teaching in light of two other documents on mission agreed by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) of the World Council of Churches (WCC), publisher of IRM, and the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.

According to editor Jooseop Keum, this issue of IRM “proposes to explore the wealth that we share by reflecting on Evangelii Gaudium in the light of the two major documents on mission that have been published in the last several years: the CWME’s own Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes (2013) and the Lausanne Movement’s The Cape Town Commitment (2010). The result is a rich conversation or ‘trialogue’ among the three documents, while highlighting the Catholic one.”
Keum collaborated on the issue with Professor Stephen Bevans, SVD, of the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Among more than two dozen authors of articles are Mari-Anna Auvinen-Pötinen, Kwang Sun Choi, Metropolitan Geevarghese Coorilos, Kirsteen Kim, Laurenti Magesa, Henry Mbaya, Antonio M. Pernia and Claudia Währisch-Oblau. The issue includes a tribute by Thomas Wieser to the late CWME director, IRM editor and WCC general secretary Philip Potter (1921-2015).

Latest issue of International Review of Mission

CWME document Together towards Life
